Sunday, November 18, 2012

Social Media Marketing

            There are over 1.125 billion social media users worldwide.  Users are not just visiting social sites, but rather spending about 22% of their online time on social sites (Roberts & Zahay, 2013).  Therefore, it has increased the importance of organizations using social sites for marketing purposes.  There are many ways social sites can be used to market and multiple benefits of doing so.  However, it is also important that companies understand ways to effectively use social sites to ensure the success of social media marketing.

Social media marketing can be defined as, “Business use of selected social media channels to understand customers and to engage them in communication and collaboration in ways that lead to the achievement of ultimate marketing and business goals (Roberts & Zahay, 2013).”  Companies use social media marketing for a variety of reasons.  Most companies use it for the purpose of generating exposure for their business, increasing traffic, building new business partnerships, helping the company rise in search rankings, generating qualified leads, helping the company sell products/services, or reducing overall marketing expenses (Roberts & Zahay, 2013).  Some common social media sites throughout the United States include Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, MySpace, LinkedIn, Friendster, Orkut, Tagged, Xanga, Flicker, and Tumblr.    

            One advantage of using social sites for marketing is that the message gets in front of large audiences quickly.  Facebook alone has over 500 million users worldwide, and about 50% of them log onto it everyday (Roberts & Zahay, 2013).  85% of businesses that use social sites for marketing reasons do so with the intention of generating exposure for the company (Roberts & Zahay, 2013).  Another benefit of using social media marketing is that it is cost effective.  Social media marketing is generally free, unlike most other sources of marketing (McAlister-Holand, 2012).  The only real resource that is usually needed to make a successful social media marketing attempt is time.  It takes a great deal of time to plan and implement a social media marketing site that is going to be attractive and attention getting for customers.  Another benefit of using social media marketing is that it improves employee engagement and internal collaboration within an organization (Roberts & Zahay, 2013).  Ultimately, social media marketing is very beneficial because it gets the message in front of a large audience, around the world, quickly, and for a low cost.  Another benefit of social media marketing is that it creates a sense of community (Roberts & Zahay, 2013).  Social media marketing messages appear in front of a select target audience.  Those in that audience that are interested in the message/page forward it on to share it with friends, getting the message in front of more people, and this continues to happen.  It also creates a community in the sense that people can read about other’s thoughts and opinions, as well as share their own thoughts and opinions.  Social media marketing becomes a two way communication method between a business and customers, which in turn can make a community.

                One of the most important things that a company can do when participating in social media marketing is to understand and listen to their target audience.  It is essential to first determine where the audience can be located (McAlister-Holand, 2012).  Generally young males could be found on more gaming type sites, whereas young females could be found on more social chatting type sites.  Another important concept when using social media marketing is to engage the audience with relevant communications (McAlister-Holand, 2012).  Sending out different messages on a somewhat regular basis keeps the audience more engaged than just posting everything at one time.  Responding to people’s blogs, comments, messages, etc. is also another way to engage the audience.  Another important thing to do when using social media marketing is to make the audience feel like winners (McAlister-Holand, 2012).  When it comes down to it, people like to win and people like free things.  Competitions or contests of some sort bring the company and their social media site into the spotlight, attracting a lot of new leads and potential customers (McAlister-Holand, 2012).  Competitions or contests are most effective if they are repeatable, simple, and fun (McAlister-Holand, 2012).  Quizzes that are fun and appealing can also be a good way to get people to engage with the company social media site. 

            In a world that thrives on social media sites, the importance of businesses using social media marketing has increased.  In order to be successful however, a company needs to understand how to effectively use the different sites to reach out to the intended audiences.  Social media marketing offers a great deal of benefits to companies.



McAlister-Holand, D. (2012). Social Media Marketing: or Marketing on Social Networks ?.

Sales & Service Excellence, 12(9), 1-2.

Roberts, M. L., & Zahay, D. L. (2013). Internet Marketing: Integrating Online and Offline

Strategies (3rd ed.). Mason, OH: South-Western Cengage Learning.


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